Tuesday, July 21, 2020

The Lincoln Project presents the Amusing "Trumpfeld"

Talk about a show about nothing.

The Lincoln Project presents an amusing parody of Seinfeld, complete with the shows background music, by stitching together clips of Mr. Trump's Sunday morning interview with Fox Sunday News Host Chris Wallace in their latest ad "Trumpfeld."

In the ad, the two main points that are driven home are:
  • Trump's insistence that polls showing Joe Biden in the lead (even the Fox ones) are fake and he has internal polls (where are they?) that show him leading in every battleground state.

  • Trump claims he is more competent than Biden because he recently did well on an intelligence test. Why would the President of the United States need to take an intelligence test to prove he was smart. The video dispenses with Trump's insinuation that he is a Stable Genius by Wallace pointing out that the questions on the test are easy, including one where the person has to spot an Elephant and another where the test taker has to count backward from 100 in intervals of seven.
The ad concludes with the narrator asking the viewer:

"Don't you believe American deserves a President who doesn't brag that he can spot an Elephant?"

The great majority of voters would probably say yes.

November 3 is in 105 days.

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