Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Check out the latest Ads from the Biden Campaign called "Tested and "Truth"

The Biden Campaign released two ads that testify to the 2020 Democratic Presidential Nominee's record and character.

The first one, titled "Tested,"  the ad reminds voters that Joe Biden has, unlike Trump, successfully led in economic and health crises before.

First, he led the oversight of the Recovery Act during the Great Recession of 2008 and 2009 "that saved millions of jobs and restored the middle class."

The narrator also cited the former Vice President's assistance in helping to stem the tide of the Ebola Virus "that beat back an epidemic and kept Americans safe."

The presenter goes on (with pictures of Biden in Presidential situations,) relaying:

"Now, we're being tested again and Joe Biden knows the answer is not ignoring the crisis, bailing out big corporations, and dividing a nation in pain. It's working together to protect the workers who keep us strong, rebuild the middle class, pay people what they deserve, and give every American the path to a good-paying job, a quality education, and affordable health care. That's Joe Biden tested and ready on day one."

The second ad, titled "Truth" demonstrates Biden's character by, unlike Trump, speaking honestly to the American People.

Reminding the people that COVID 19 is a serious threat, Biden said we have to work to overcome the pandemic together.

He urged people to "wear masks, keep your distance, limit the size of crowds," further saying, "it may be inconvenient, it may be uncomfortable, but it's the right thing to do as an American."

Biden also said we need a President who will:
  • "Level with the American People."
  • "Tell us the unvarnished truth."
  • "Take responsibility instead of always blaming others."
  • "Listen to the experts, follow the science, and allow the scientists to speak."
  • "Lead and be an example for the nation."
  • "Do all he can with the people to keep Americans safe and healthy."

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