Sunday, July 12, 2020

The latest Biden Ad "Proud" projects the 2020 Democratic Presidential Nominee as a Strong Commander in Chief

With pictures of Joe Biden touring other countries and war zones while meeting American Generals and Soldiers, the latest Biden campaign ad "Proud" powerfully projects the former Vice President and 2020 Democratic Presidential Nominee as a proud Military dad and a very viable Commander in Chief of the United States Military.

The narrator recounts that Mr. Biden has:

"fought for our troops and their families" and "Joe Biden knows what makes our country the most powerful and influential in the world."

The narrator later states:

"American leadership is not just about an example of our power but the power of our example. We need a Commander in Chief who understands that responsibility and the sacred obligation we have to keep our troops safe when we send them into battle and take care of them when they get home so as long as they're fighting, he is too."

With the current White House occupant accused of not doing anything while Mr. Putin put bounties on American soldiers in Afghanistan, it is time for the voters to put in a person that will have the military's back when they are fighting to protect the country and its people.

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