Saturday, July 4, 2020

The 2016 KKK Endorsed Candidate and his Trump Zone-Fox Island Followers are the True Haters of America

The 2016 KKK Endorsed Candidate used the occasion of the nations 244th birthday to crunch 7500 people together like sardines, mostly without masks and social distancing guidelines in a pandemic to deliver an address designed to appease his Fox Island-Trump Zone base and divide the country in furthering a culture war accusing his opponents of hating America and making it possible that children are taught in school to hate their own country and to believe the men and women who built it were not heroes but villains.”

The 2016 Popular Vote Loser also said in his ill-advised remarks:

“Our nation is witnessing a merciless campaign to wipe out our history, defame our heroes, erase our values, and indoctrinate our children...“Angry mobs are trying to tear down statues of our founders, deface our most sacred memorials, and unleash a wave of violent crime in our cities.”

As a history teacher who, unlike Individual One (click here to see proof), actually knows history, the Stable Genius (who as evidenced by his recent jam-packed events, does not know science either) is falsely accusing educators of indoctrination when all the instructors are presenting to children is the whole truth about the nation's heritage (the good, the bad, and the ugly.)

This act among our history and social studies teachers is one of teaching the truth and historical perspective to the nation's children, a concept the Liar in Chief, with his almost 20,000 lies since taking office, knows nothing about.

This is an act of loving our country, moving the nation forward, and endeavoring to make everyone's lives better.

Children deserve to know the truth of how this country developed and not the glorified sanitized version that the President of Betrayal and his Fox Island-Trump Zone members subscribe to.
They need to know that the people who shaped the nation were human beings with strengths and weaknesses who committed (in many cases) good and bad acts in their lifetimes.

It is through the thorough teaching of history, warts and all, that an informed citizenry grows.

It is right that teachers debate these important issues with children and it is correct that people call for the removal of the statues of traitors to the county and amicably debate whether others should be moved as well.

Of course, the people herding the sheep who reside on Fox Island, and the Trump Zone do not advocate people to be informed or debate the merits of removing statues.

Donald Trump and his surrogates wish to withhold the unflattering parts of the country's history (and what is going on in his Administration) from the populace would be the real indoctrination.

Mr. Trump and his allies are the true haters of America because they want to keep the nation divided and standing still, moving it back to those time periods history teachers point out were less than perfect. 

Shame on them for not wanting the American People to know history (and science) and be fully informed.

November 3, 2020, is in 122 days.

Make history and vote these haters of our country and its people out of office.

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