Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Reactionary Tucker Carlson and Draft Dodger Donald Trump try to Max Cleland Tammy Duckworth

Most political historians and observers know who Max Cleland is.

A Vietnam War Veteran that lost both legs and an arm while serving, he won a seat to the United States Senate representing Georgia in 1996.

He lost his reelection in 2002 in part because his opponent, Saxby Chambliss, ran a negative ad that many believed, including Chuck Hagel and John McCain, shamefully questioned Cleland's patriotism.

Fast forward 18 years later and another Senator and war veteran who has lost both legs is being falsely accused of not loving her country.

Tucker Carlson, the Fox Island Commentator who has not served one day in the military, had the nerve to question Senator Tammy Duckworth's love for the United States, calling her a "moron," "vandal," and "coward" because she said in an interview with CNN that there should be a "national dialogue" on the removal of statues of the founding fathers.

Carlson's comments were shared on Twitter by Mr. "Bone Spurs-Draft Dodger" Donald Trump.
Duckworth, displaying superior intelligence to both "men," tweeted back at Carlson

2020 Democratic Presidential Nominee and former Vice President Joe Biden, whose team is vetting Senator Duckworth for the Vice Presidental Nomination, defended her, stating:

“I can’t tell you how I felt today when I heard the president of the United States, Donald Trump, questioning your patriotism. I found it virtually disgusting, sickening. It’s a reflection of the depravity of what’s going on in the White House right now.”

Tucker Carlson and Donald Trump are despicable little microbes.

They should not be allowed to Max Cleland another brave war hero like Senator Tammy Duckworth.

Boycott Tucker Carlson's show like the advertisers are. 

Vote Donald Trump out in November.

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