Saturday, August 8, 2020

With Sycophantic Club Members in Attendance, the Mad King lies and does nothing to help the American People


The American People are suffering.

160,000 have died from COVID 19.

Close to five million more have been infected with the Coronavirus.

Despite positive job numbers the last three months, the economy is showing signs, thanks to the mismanagement of the Mad King in the White House during the pandemic, of imploding further.

People that cannot go back to work will be going into a second week without enhanced unemployment benefits.

Others are facing possible eviction because that moratorium has also lapsed.

Republicans in the Senate cannot agree on what to do to help the American People. Some have found the God of Deficit cutting again (they always lose touch when it is about tax cuts.) Others, especially those about to lose reelection, probably want something to get done.

Voters do not want to hear about deficits or payroll tax cuts (something the Stable Genius yearns for) when people are dying and the unemployed cannot get the tax cut.

The Democrats have a good plan that passed the House of Representatives almost three months ago but have run into an obstructionists White House whose negotiators think giving aid to state and local governments, maintaining enhanced unemployment benefits at $600 a week, funding schools so they can safely reopen in a pandemic, and appropriating monies to the post office so the influx of mail-in ballots will be processed quickly and securely is somehow too expensive during a national health emergency.

Enter the Mad King who waltz’s into a press conference on Friday night to Hail to the Chief with his most treasured admirers, Trump club members who have paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to join his resort and suck up to the Donald, in attendance.

In a scene that could have come out of the Star Trek episode “Whom the Gods Destroy” (please click here to access and watch the scene starting at 19.26 to about 25.00 to see the similarities,)  the Mad King talked and answered questions, mostly ranting and lying, while the invited sycophantic club members in attendance drank wine, cheered him on, and booed when a reporter called them out on their not all wearing masks.

The Mad King actually had the nerve to refer to his Trump Zone-Fox Island admirers as peaceful protestors.


The optics commented on by New York Times Columnist Maggie Haberman (please click here to view) will find their way into a future campaign ad by either the Biden Campaign, the Lincoln Project, or another group.

Just what are these members of the plutocratic one percent protesting? The only reason that comes to mind would be to protest the high club membership fees.

During the “press conference,” the President of Betrayal announced no new actions to help the American People.

He only said that if Democrats do not get serious about negotiating (they were only waiting two and a half months for Trump and the Republicans to call them,) then he would sign Executive Orders by the end of the week (so the people have to suffer seven more days) to give a payroll tax cut holiday (which no one other than Trump and his crazy tax cut cronies wants,) and provide extensions on the eviction mortarium, the enhanced unemployment benefit (although he would not say how much it would be,) and the suspensions of student loan interest rate accruals.

With the exception of the eviction moratorium and the student loan interest suspension, most feel the payroll tax cut and unemployment enhanced benefit cannot be done through an executive order.

Commenting on Mr. Trump’s position, Arizona Democratic Party Chairperson Felecia Rotellini commented:

"It is a shame and an outrage that Donald Trump continues to tank Democrats' good-faith negotiations on a COVID-19 relief bill. Trump’s failed coronavirus response has made the economic crisis far worse than it had to be -- evidenced by today's jobs numbers showing that one in ten workers are unemployed. You'd think that as Trump stares down a resounding electoral defeat precipitated by a historic recession of his own making, he'd finally come to the negotiating table to help working families. Yet he is evidently too preoccupied with hitting the links at his own golf course to consider the millions of families struggling to pay the bills and feed their children."

The rest of the presentation had the 2016 Popular Vote Loser giving his greatest lying hits like:

  • The Coronavirus is disappearing.
  • More COVID 19 tests lead to more Coronavirus cases.
  • China is paying the tariffs on their products.
  • Foreign Countries can make forged mail-in ballots.

He even threw out a couple of new ones:

  • The Democrats want the people to suffer because it will help them “cheat” in the election.
  • He will sign an executive order mandating that health insurance companies cannot deny people with preexisting conditions.

Someone should tell the Stable Genius that health insurance companies not denying coverage to people with pre-existing conditions is already the law of the land. It is called the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare.)

On the election cheating and people suffering, the only one guilty of that is Individual One who welcomes Russian help against Joe Biden, is dragging his feet on COVID 19 relief aid negotiations with the Democrats (pick up the phone and call Nancy Pelosi if you are such a great dealmaker Donald,) and has proposed trillions in Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid cuts on the elderly and most vulnerable to pay for his tax cuts for the rich. He also wants to get rid of the Affordable Care Act through the courts in the middle of a pandemic.

To watch the whole press conference, please click on the link below.

November 3, 2020, is 87 days away.

The people need to do their part to steer the country away from this nightmare and the damage Trump and his Trump Zone-Fox Island sycophantic cult followers, like those club members in attendance at last nights “press conference,” have done to the country.

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