Thursday, September 10, 2020

American Bridge and Priorities USA go after Trump and McSally about "Playing Down" the Coronavirus

 American Bridge and Priorities USA have released a combined three new ads attacking Donald Trump for deliberately "playing down" the severity of the Coronavirus as reported in Bob Woodward's new book Rage.

In one of the American Bridge ads, Martha McSally is chastised for enabling Trump's course of action.

American Bridge also released similar ads attacking embattled Senators Ernst (Iowa,) Perdue (Georgia,) and Tillis (North Carolina.)

The Priorities USA ad plays back some of Trump's public comments like COVID 19 being a Democratic Hoax and the pandemic will go away.

All three note that more people became infected and died because of Trump's and Senators like McSally's words and inactions. The longer American Bridge ad cites Fauci saying that the Administration was slow to act at the beginning of the pandemic.

November 3, 2020, is 54 days away.  It is time to throw the incompetent bums like Trump and McSally out.


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