Wednesday, September 16, 2020

The Biden/Harris Campaign presents "Anthony"

 Anthony Gomez and his father Steve were first introduced to the country at the Democratic National Convention last month.

Joe Biden called Anthony "a handsome boy" when meeting him during a virtual conversation with other Obamacare recipients during the Convention.

[caption id="attachment_97645" align="alignright" width="324"] Photo from Vox[/caption]

Anthony, who is almost five years old, received a heart transplant when he six weeks old. Medical expenses for his medication and therapies have reached millions of dollars.

His parents are understandably worried that the Affordable Care Act, thanks in part to the efforts of Donald Trump, will be overturned by the Supreme Court later this year.

During the Convention, Mr. Biden said he would work to protect the Affordable Care Act/Obamacare and build on it.

Remembering Anthony, the Biden/Harris campaign has produced an ad called "Anthony" that will air in Arizona, Florida, and Nevada.

The ad shows a smiling Anthony playing with his parents in their yard. It then shifts to his father who expresses his worry that Donald Trump and his allies are working to take away the pre-existing protections in Obamacare during a pandemic that his son and family depend on.

Anthony's father then says:

"I think that Joe Biden is the person to protect Anthony and those preexisting conditions. I just want Anthony to live a long, healthy life. That's it."

Everyone should want children like Anthony to stay well, live a long and happy life, without worrying if he can afford to see a physician, or afford his medication.

That is the United States where everyone should have a right to live in.

That is the America Joe Biden and Kamala Harris want.

Voters need to remember it is not the one Trump and Pence believe in.

Election Day is in 49 days.

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