Friday, September 25, 2020

Dina, a Phoenix Salon Owner, feels Joe Biden is the best Option for Small Businesses like Hers

 In a Biden/Harris Campaign ad called "Left Behind," Dina, a Salon Owner from Phoenix chastizes Donald Trump for not caring about her and expressing the belief that Joe Biden would be better for her, Arizona, and the Nation.


In the ad, Dina relays:

"It's so frustrating that big corporations got millions in PPP before small businesses like ours. The President we have is not caring about the little people but that's how Donald Trump is. He's all about himself. He's never walked in my shoes...We have to do what we can to stay here as long as we can. We need Joe Biden. We got to have small businesses like ours to get through this crisis and I trust Joe Biden to do that for us."

Election Day is in 39 days.

Vote for the Candidate that will best help the little people.

Want a clue on who that is?

It is not the 2016 Popular Vote Loser, KKK Endorsed Candidate, Individual One, Liar in Chief, Mad King, and President of Betrayal.

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