Friday, September 11, 2020

The Lincoln Project calls Donald Trump the "Fool in the Oval Office" who is Responsible for a 9/11 Death Toll every Three Days

 On this hallowed day in United States History, the Lincoln Project did not shy away from attacking Donald Trump for his lies and incompetence before and during his Presidency.

In their ad, "9/11," the Lincoln Project honors the first responders and soldiers who responded to the call to save others and defend the nation during and after the 9/11 attacks. 

The narrator then pivots to criticizing Donald Trump for calling soldiers who sacrificed their lives defending the country "losers and suckers."

The ad then recounts how Donald Trump marveled in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 how he now had the tallest building in New York City. 

The narrator also reminded viewers that Trump lied about being at Ground Zero helping to clear the rubble. 

The ad does forget to cite Trump's most glaring 9/11 lie that many New Jersey Muslims cheered when the Towers came down. 

The narrator then concluded:

"Today, Donald Trump is more than just a terrible person. He's the worst President in American History. He's divided the country and lied to all of us about everything tens of thousands of times, and now 200,000 of us are dead. A 9/11 death toll every three days because of the fool that sits behind the President's desk in the Oval Office."

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