Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Donald Trump is Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity


Scapegoating minority groups

Trying to segregate demographic groups from living close to each other.

Separating families.

Creating camps to house detaining populations.

Euthanasia programs

Forced sterilization on unsuspecting individuals.

Hitler and the Nazis did this.

So has Donald Trump and his nest of Trump Zone-Fox Island collaborators and willing Judenrats like Jared Kushner and Stephen Miller.

The only difference is Trump's euthanasia program was his apparently willing and gross mismanagement of combatting the COVID 19 Pandemic which initially plagued blue state residents, the elderly, minority communities (Blacks, Latinos, and Native Americans,) and individuals with pre-existing health conditions.

Nazis who committed these offenses (at least those of no value to the Allies for scientific purposes)  were routinely hunted down and brought to trial following World War Two for crimes against humanity.

The same needs to be done with Donald Trump and his followers after their defeat in the November elections.

Close to 200,000 people are dead from COVID 19.

Over six million infected with the Coronavirus.

Playing down the virus and wanting to make kids go back to school and reopen the economy when he knew it was dangerous.

Whistleblower reports that Latina women who were detained were sterilized with hysterectomies without their consent.

Children separated from their parents and placed in cages.

The scapegoating of minority groups.

Trying to get rid of health care for millions with preexisting conditions in the middle of a Pandemic.

They all deserve protection and justice from the President of Betrayal.

It is horrifying that such acts, seen in totalitarian systems like Nazi Germany and in America (as recounted by writers like Edwin Black in War Against the Weak) still occur and in the United States of all places.

This election is truly a battle for the American Ideal and the soul of the country,

We may be damned if the KKK Endorsed Candidate wins in less than 50 days.


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