Monday, September 7, 2020

Inconceivable? The cast for the "Princess Bride" is reuniting to raise funds for Wisconsin Democrats and Ted Cruz is Whining


According to reporting from CNN, Texas Senator Ted Cruz, the conservative hypocrite who makes nice with Donald Trump despite the Liar in Chief insulting his wife's appearance and accusing his father of taking part in the JFK Assassination, is whining that the cast members of one of his favorite movies, "The Princess Bride" are reuniting in Wisconsin to raise funds for that states Democratic Party.


No, not really, considering the Director of "The Princess Bride," Rob Reiner, and the cast members gathering together are either lifelong Democrats or do not care for Donald Trump and what he is doing to the country.

The donation page declares:

"Anything you donate will be used to ensure that Trump loses Wisconsin, and thereby the White House."

Reacting to this announcement, Senator Cruz tweeted (what else:)

To which Cary Elwes, the actor who played Wesley, tweeted back:

In the words of Monthy Python alumni Eric Idle

"Get a grip, Ted."

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