Saturday, September 19, 2020

The Lincoln Project wants South Carolina Voters to Hold Lindsey Graham Accountable

Lindsey Graham is a stupid hypocrite.

Most hypocrites do not go on tape twice taking one position and then backtracking on whether he would support a Trump Supreme Court Nominee in the middle of an election.

Lindsey Graham has done that and the Lincoln Project in their latest ad, "Accountable," want South Carolina Voters to hold him answerable for lying to them.


The ad plays back Lindsey Graham's comments to an audience attending a conference for the Atlantic Journal.

Journalist Jeffrey Goldberg, the person who broke the story recently reporting Mr. Trump's disparaging comments towards members of the military, was the moderator.

In the video clip, Graham promises to not hold confirmation hearings for a Supreme Court Nominee in the middle of the 2020 election year.

He said "Yeah, hold the tape," after being reminded by Goldberg that he is "on the record." 

The ad also plays a voice clip of Graham's 2016 statement (please see video below) which said "You can use my words against me" when he stated that they should not consider any Supreme Court Nominees in 2020.

Of course, Senator Graham has said things are different because of the Kavanaugh hearings in 2018.

He, as the current chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee,  will now work to confirm Trump's nominee to succeed Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Another lie.

Graham's appearance before the Atlantic Council was after the Judiciary confirmation hearings on Kavanaugh.

Lindsey Graham is a lying weasel.

John McCain's body was not even in the ground when Graham started sucking up to Donald Trump.

Let's not forget how Graham has backstabbed good friend Joe Biden this year.

The Lincoln Project is right.

Voters in South Carolina need to hold Lindsey Graham accountable just like Arizona voters need to hold Martha McSally responsible for her positions and voting decisions.

There are excellent Democratic Candidates who would serve the public far better: Jamie Harrison in South Carolina and Mark Kelly in Arizona.

In 45 days, voters need to send a message, hold Graham and McSally to account, and vote them out.

Save the courts.

Save the country.


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