Monday, September 21, 2020

The Biden/Harris show that if you want to Prosper, Voters need to elect Democrats this November

 The Biden/Harris Campaign has released an ad showing how people under Democratic Presidential Administrations have been better at job creation (and prosperity by extension) than Republicans.


Harry Truman: Nine Million Jobs Created.

Dwight Eisenhower: Four Million Jobs Created.

Kennedy/Johnson Administrations: 16 million jobs created.

Nixon/Ford Administrations: 11 million jobs created.

Jimmy Carter: Ten million jobs created (in four years.)

Ronald Reagan: 16 million jobs created.

George H.W. Bush: Three million jobs created.

Bill Clinton: 23 million jobs created.

George W. Bush: One million jobs created.

Barack Obama: 12 million jobs created.

Donald Trump: Five Million Jobs Lost

Democratic Administrations: 70 million jobs created.

Republican Administrations: 30 million jobs created.

That means there are 40 million more reasons to vote for Biden and Harris in 43 days.

Voters should also remember that it is Democratic Administrations that gave the people:

  • Social Security
  • Medicare
  • Medicaid
  • The Minimum Wage
  • The Affordable Care Act
  • The Right to Unionize
  • The Civil Rights Act
  • The Voting Rights Act
  • The Family and Medical Leave Act

Those are nine more reasons to vote for the Democratic Ticket on November 3, 2020, along with Saving the courts, the soul of the country, and the American Ideal.


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