Monday, September 21, 2020

Priorities USA releases "Together AZ" asking Arizonans to Vote for Joe Biden and Mark Kelly

 In a series of ads targeting vulnerable Republican Senators, Priorities USA has released "Together AZ," a 30-second spot calling for Arizonans to elect Joe Biden and Mark Kelly and send Donald Trump and Martha McSally into retirement.

The narrator starts off saying "Together we march because Donald Trump and Martha McSally failed us."

The ad then states that both have failed in:

  • Providing racial justice.
  • Combatting the Coronavirus.
  • Helping the economy.

The narrator then accuses of McSally of "going along with Trump for years and refusing to speak up and do what's right."

The ad concludes with:

"We can't stand another four years of this. Together, we must vote louder than ever for a better America. Vote Mark Kelly and Joe Biden."

Just vote Democrat totally down the ticket if you agree with all the candidate's positions.

Save the courts

Save the country

Election Day is in 43 Days.

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