Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Biden Came, He Saw, and He Kicked Trump's Deranged Ass

 After last night’s Presidential Debate, there should be no doubt Joe Biden needs to be the President next January.

Please click on the video link below:

Where Joe Biden came to debate, Donald Trump came to rumble.

Where Joe Biden came to campaign for the Presidency, it seemed Donald Trump came to campaign to become the next head of the National Wrestling Association.

Where Joe Biden acted Presidential, Donald Trump acted like a rabid dog that needed to switch to decaf.

Where Joe Biden talked directly to all the people and spoke of unity, Donald Trump talked only to his fringe base and dividing the nation.

Where Joe Biden came prepared to discuss the vital issues like COVID 19, Donald Trump boasted that he brought back football.

Where Joe Biden made largely accurate statements about the state of COVID 19, the economy, climate change, crime, race relations, and health care, Donald Trump lied, lied,  lied, lied, lied, and lied.

Where Joe Biden condemned violence and rioting, Donald Trump told his white supremacist followers to “stand back and stand by.”

Where Joe Biden talked about how the election process will play out fairly and a winner will be declared, Donald Trump continued his false attacks on mail-in voting and said his campaign will send poll watchers (thugs) to voting sites to monitor (intimidate) people online.

To the pundits that said Joe Biden erred by getting in the mud with Donald Trump, I say what are you thinking.

People want a President who has a backbone and Biden showed a lot of that last night when he told Donald Trump to shut up and called him a liar, clown, racist, and the worst President in United States History.

Leading Arizonans who watched the debate offered their perspectives on last night’s debate in a Biden/Harris Post Debate event

After the debate, the Biden/Harris campaign hosted an event where leading Arizona Democrats offered their views on what the American People just watched.

The panelists were Greg Stanton, Regina Romero, Grant Woods, and Rebecca Rios.

Congressional District Nine House Representative Greg Stanton said he felt:

“Sad for all of Americans that Presidents would not denounce white supremacy and would not state he would accept the results of the election…It was a painful thing to watch. Trump was a bully. Joe Biden was much stronger on the issues.”

Stanton also praised Biden for his plans like preserving and expanding the Affordable Care Act, combatting COVID, and Clean Energy, saying Biden would move the country forward.

Tucson Mayor Regina Romero agreed with Stanton that the debate was painful to watch. She also said that Trump did not want to focus on the issues because he had no plans for health care, climate change, COVID 19, and the economy. She praised Biden, saying he:

“Wanted to speak to the American people and wanted to show he wanted to work for unity and for the sake of the democracy. hopefully, the American people can hear much more on the issues in the next debate.”

 Former Arizona State Attorney General Grant Woods gave perhaps the most scathing assessment of Trump’s performance calling his behavior

Disgraceful and an embarrassment to the United States of America.”

 Woods also pondered if legendary Arizonans like Sandra Day O’Connor, Barry Goldwater, and Mo Udall would ever act like Trump did in a debate. He also worried about how parents and teachers would explain Trump’s behavior to children.

On Biden, Woods said he

 “Showed the public he has plans and understands the issues backward and forward.”

 Woods concluded that:

“If we win Arizona, we win the country and change the world. We’re better than this. Trump showed his true colors tonight.”

 Legislative District 27 State Senator Rebecca Rios was the final panelist to offer her perspective.

She relayed that

 “President Trump’s performance was abhorrent. The hour and a half showed what Arizonans and Americans have been suffering over the last four years. This man showed that he does not believe rules apply to him. Tonight, provided a clear contrast between the two men. Biden talked very clearly about the plans to bring the country together, address the climate, and combat COVID 19. Trump does not understand working families. Biden does. Biden gets it with the suffering people are going through with COVID 19, both health and economic wise.”

 Last night’s debate should have shown every American that Donald Trump is unfit for the Presidency and that another four years may permanently destroy and divide the country.

Joe Biden showed that he is ready for the Presidency and if elected, would lead wisely and inclusively.

He came, saw, and kicked Donald Trump's deranged Ass.

Based on last night's “debate,” Joe Biden should win all 50 states on November 3, 2020.

Donald Trump, with his record and fit last night, has shown he does not deserve the majority support of the people in any state in this country, including the red ones.

November 3, 2020, is in 34 days.


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