Tuesday, September 8, 2020

The Lincoln Project Contends Trump is "Making America More Dangerous"

 Contending that Donald Trump "is making America more dangerous," the Lincoln Project, in its new ad "Radicalize," accuses the Chief Executive Demagogue of creating right-wing extremists and domestic terrorists.

The narrator uses the example of Trump Incendiary rants at rallies and the invitation of the Missouri married couple, who "threatened peaceful demonstrators" with firearms while they walked past their house, to the Republican National Convention, as catalyst events to radicalize Kyle Rittenhouse before he illegally took an AR-15 across state lines and killed two innocent protestors in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

The ad concludes that this radicalization of the naive and impressionable young in American society is: "sick, wrong, and dangerous."

"As long as Donald Trump is President, he'll keep encouraging the kooks, the crazies, the extremists, the angry fringe. It doesn't have to be this way. Reject the hate. Reject the violence. America or Donald Trump? Stand up for America."


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