Tuesday, September 15, 2020

While reports surface of Performed Hysterectomies on Detained Latina Immigrants, the Lincoln Project shows Trump's Disdain for the Latino Community

 In their latest ad, "Trump No Nos Quiere," the Lincoln Project clearly shows that Donald Trump is no friend of the Latino Community and does not want them in the United States.

The ad starts off showing how Presidents Reagan. Bush I, Clinton, Bush II, and Obama celebrated and praised the Latino Community.

The narrator then shows Trump greatest lowlights against Latinos including:

  • His announcement for the Presidency speech when he accused Latinos of being rapists and bringing drugs and crime across the border.
  • Showing pictures of his all White  White House Staff.
  • Saying Latinos are invading and laughing when someone in a crowd suggested shooting them.

The narrator concludes:

"This man is not making America great again, especially for Latinos, because the President considers us second class citizens."

If Arizonans and other American Voters (including Latinos) are not convinced by Trump's rhetoric and past deeds (like caging children,) they should read the news reports coming out of a whistleblower revelation that accuses ICE of performing hysterectomies on detained Latina Women.

If true, that is a NAZI program and reminiscent of the discredited (and condemned) early Twentieth Century American Eugenics Program and Methods of Social and Genetic Engineering.

This is not supposed to happen in Twenty-First Century America.

State Representatives Raquel Teran, Athena Salaman, and Richard Andrade issued a joint statement from the Arizona Capitol that reads:

"If substantiated, the whistleblower allegations of mass hysterectomies being forced upon detained immigrant women are a horrifying, totalitarian violation of civil and human rights," said Terán, D-Phoenix. "Forced sterilization of women of color has a gruesome history rooted in eugenics and ethnic cleansing. There is nothing in our Constitution or American values that supports anything like this. There must be criminal and Congressional investigations into this at once."

“This unspeakable act upon women without their knowledge and consent should never be tolerated in the United States," said Rep. Andrade, D-Phoenix. "If proven, ICE leadership should be fired and criminal charges pursued. We are a nation where all women's rights should be protected.”

"ICE has proven time and time again to be a cruel, inhumane agency that targets women, children and the most vulnerable among us," said Salman, D-Tempe. "To now learn that ICE has been alleged to systematically engage in forced sterilization of detained immigrant women of color is yet another example of an administration that has lost all connection to American values and human rights. I echo the calls for full criminal and Congressional investigations."

Trump and the other bastards that conducted this grotesque crime do not deserve to be anywhere near any government position.

What else will it take for the people who support the KKK endorsed candidate that he is not fit to lead the United States?

Vote them out on November 3, 2020, and arrest them on January 21, 2020, for crimes against humanity.

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