Friday, September 18, 2020

It is Time to Fight: Do Not Let Republicans Steal Another Supreme Court Seat; Save the Country


Rest in Peace Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

You were an icon, credit, and role model to the American People, the legacy of the Supreme Court, and the Women's Rights Movement.

To honor her last words that she not be replaced until there is a new President, it is time to fight.

It is time to fight now.

Americans can not let Republicans steal another Supreme Court Seat.

People need to rise up and petition the offices of Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, Martha McSally, Lamar Alexander, Corey Gardner, Chuck Grassley, Mitt Romney, and Thom Tillis to stop Mitch McConnell's hypocrisy to fill Ginsburg's seat.

People need to flood all forms of media and speak out against the Republican power grab against the will of the people.

Chuck Schumer did a first good step by tweeting McConnell's words from 2016 (when the Enemy of the People did not act on Merrick Garland's nomination) right back at him.

Democrats in the Senate need to use every tool at their disposal to fight this nomination should it come.

If Donald Trump names a Supreme Court Nominee, Joe Biden should reveal who he would nominate so the American People know what else is at stake during this election.

If Enemy of the People, Political Prince of Darkness, Supreme Court Thief, Moscow Mitch McConnell does manage to get a nominee through, Joe Biden, if he wins this November, should pledge to add two new seats to the Supreme Court to compensate for the two slots the Republicans stole through their duplicitous methods.

The most important thing for people to do is turn out and vote.

Vote for Joe Biden. He has just spoken on the need for the Senate to follow their example from 2016.

Vote for a Democratic Senate and retire Enemy of the People Mitch McConnell from the leadership and preferably that chamber.

Work your ass off to make sure Republicans do not steal Justice Ginsburg's seat or the election.

The soul of the country was at stake before Justice Ginsburg passed away this evening.

It is more so now, especially with Roe V Wade and the Affordable Care Act now on the line.

It is time to fight, turn out, and vote.


Save the courts.

Save the country.

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