Wednesday, September 30, 2020

The Lincoln Project Releases Four Post Debate Ads

 The Lincoln Project wasted no time mocking Donald Trump's horrendous debate performance on September 29, 2020, by releasing four new ads.


The first ad called "I'm Smart" showed how much Mr. Trump has displayed ineptness and ignorance during the debate and his Presidency.

Trump is never going to live down Yo Semite.

Nor should Democrats let him.

The second ad called "The Collapse" is narrated by a whisperer who mocks Trump's Debate Performance, calling it: "weak, really bad, really stupid, terrible, a loser, crazy, a failure, embarrassing."

The narrator then taunts Trump, saying:

"Your administration is falling apart...Your campaign is running out of cash, and your personal finances? So broke. Your Presidency is nothing more than a House of Cards Donald. You're losing everything. And you just collapsed in front of the whole world."

The third ad, called "A Zoo Story" is a comical piece that pretends that Donald Trump and his debate preppers (Chris Christie, Jared Kushner, and Rudy Giuliani) are nothing more than squabbling monkey's and apes attacking each other.

The fourth ad called "Decency" is the most serious and moving segment.

The ad shows Joe Biden comforting and encouraging a small child who is a stutterer.

The video then shows Mr. Trump acting like a bully.

The narrator concludes:

"It's time for decency. It's time for Joe Biden."

The ad ends with Biden telling the child "It's gonna change, honey. I promise you. I promise you."

Election Day is in 34 days.


Biden Came, He Saw, and He Kicked Trump's Deranged Ass

 After last night’s Presidential Debate, there should be no doubt Joe Biden needs to be the President next January.

Please click on the video link below:

Where Joe Biden came to debate, Donald Trump came to rumble.

Where Joe Biden came to campaign for the Presidency, it seemed Donald Trump came to campaign to become the next head of the National Wrestling Association.

Where Joe Biden acted Presidential, Donald Trump acted like a rabid dog that needed to switch to decaf.

Where Joe Biden talked directly to all the people and spoke of unity, Donald Trump talked only to his fringe base and dividing the nation.

Where Joe Biden came prepared to discuss the vital issues like COVID 19, Donald Trump boasted that he brought back football.

Where Joe Biden made largely accurate statements about the state of COVID 19, the economy, climate change, crime, race relations, and health care, Donald Trump lied, lied,  lied, lied, lied, and lied.

Where Joe Biden condemned violence and rioting, Donald Trump told his white supremacist followers to “stand back and stand by.”

Where Joe Biden talked about how the election process will play out fairly and a winner will be declared, Donald Trump continued his false attacks on mail-in voting and said his campaign will send poll watchers (thugs) to voting sites to monitor (intimidate) people online.

To the pundits that said Joe Biden erred by getting in the mud with Donald Trump, I say what are you thinking.

People want a President who has a backbone and Biden showed a lot of that last night when he told Donald Trump to shut up and called him a liar, clown, racist, and the worst President in United States History.

Leading Arizonans who watched the debate offered their perspectives on last night’s debate in a Biden/Harris Post Debate event

After the debate, the Biden/Harris campaign hosted an event where leading Arizona Democrats offered their views on what the American People just watched.

The panelists were Greg Stanton, Regina Romero, Grant Woods, and Rebecca Rios.

Congressional District Nine House Representative Greg Stanton said he felt:

“Sad for all of Americans that Presidents would not denounce white supremacy and would not state he would accept the results of the election…It was a painful thing to watch. Trump was a bully. Joe Biden was much stronger on the issues.”

Stanton also praised Biden for his plans like preserving and expanding the Affordable Care Act, combatting COVID, and Clean Energy, saying Biden would move the country forward.

Tucson Mayor Regina Romero agreed with Stanton that the debate was painful to watch. She also said that Trump did not want to focus on the issues because he had no plans for health care, climate change, COVID 19, and the economy. She praised Biden, saying he:

“Wanted to speak to the American people and wanted to show he wanted to work for unity and for the sake of the democracy. hopefully, the American people can hear much more on the issues in the next debate.”

 Former Arizona State Attorney General Grant Woods gave perhaps the most scathing assessment of Trump’s performance calling his behavior

Disgraceful and an embarrassment to the United States of America.”

 Woods also pondered if legendary Arizonans like Sandra Day O’Connor, Barry Goldwater, and Mo Udall would ever act like Trump did in a debate. He also worried about how parents and teachers would explain Trump’s behavior to children.

On Biden, Woods said he

 “Showed the public he has plans and understands the issues backward and forward.”

 Woods concluded that:

“If we win Arizona, we win the country and change the world. We’re better than this. Trump showed his true colors tonight.”

 Legislative District 27 State Senator Rebecca Rios was the final panelist to offer her perspective.

She relayed that

 “President Trump’s performance was abhorrent. The hour and a half showed what Arizonans and Americans have been suffering over the last four years. This man showed that he does not believe rules apply to him. Tonight, provided a clear contrast between the two men. Biden talked very clearly about the plans to bring the country together, address the climate, and combat COVID 19. Trump does not understand working families. Biden does. Biden gets it with the suffering people are going through with COVID 19, both health and economic wise.”

 Last night’s debate should have shown every American that Donald Trump is unfit for the Presidency and that another four years may permanently destroy and divide the country.

Joe Biden showed that he is ready for the Presidency and if elected, would lead wisely and inclusively.

He came, saw, and kicked Donald Trump's deranged Ass.

Based on last night's “debate,” Joe Biden should win all 50 states on November 3, 2020.

Donald Trump, with his record and fit last night, has shown he does not deserve the majority support of the people in any state in this country, including the red ones.

November 3, 2020, is in 34 days.


Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Sully headlines the latest Lincoln Project Ad "Our Moment"

 Chesley "Sully" Sulenberger, the pilot who safely landed a plane in the Hudson River and all onboard survived, headlined the latest ad for the Lincoln Project (and VoteVets) "Our Moment."

Saying leadership is "about knowing what you're doing, taking responsibility for it, being prepared, ready, able to handle anything that might come your way,...and serving a cause greater than oneself is the highest calling. " Sully condemned Donald Trump for "failing us so miserably" as a leader.

Sully called all Americans to action, stating:

"It's up to us to overcome his attacks on the very Democracy, knowing nearly a quarter of a million Americans won't have a voice, casualties of his lethal lies and incompetence...Now we are all called to this moment. When you look down at our beautiful, boundless country, you don't see political divisions. It reminds us of who we are and what we can be. That we are in control of this nation's destiny. All we have to do is vote him out." 

Election Day is in 35 Days.


Sunday, September 27, 2020

Biden and Harris explain why the Nomination of Amy Coney Barrett is Wrong for the American People

 Today (September 27, 2020) Democratic Presidential Nominee Joe Biden laid out three reasons why the nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett is wrong for the American People.

These reasons include:

  • The Republican rush to fill the seat in an obvious power grab and show of profound hypocrisy.
  • Voting for the next President and Congress is already underway in many states.
  • The threat the Supreme Court Nominee shows towards the fate of the Affordable Care Act for millions of people, many with preexisting health conditions, in the middle of a Pandemic.

The Republican rush to fill the seat in an obvious power grab and show of profound hypocrisy.

Mr. Biden strongly rebuked Mr. Trump, Mr. McConnell, and the other Republicans for rushing to fill the Supreme Court seat held by Justice Ginsburg in an obvious power grab just before the November elections and the display of profound hypocrisy given how many of these same Republicans treated Obama Supreme Court Nominee Merrick Garland in 2016.

Among the former Vice Presidents comments were:

"But yesterday, before justice Ginsburg could be laid to rest and after a hundred thousands of Americans had already cast their ballots, the president nominated a successor to her seat..."

"It doesn’t matter to them the Republicans set the precedent just four years ago when they denied even the courtesy of a hearing to President Obama’s nominee after Justice Scalia passed after he had only passed away nine the months prior to election day..."

"And the voters, in my view, are not going to stand for this abuse of power. And, if we’re to call ourselves a democracy, their voices must be heard."

Voting for the next President and Congress is already underway in many states.

The 2020 Democratic Presidential Nominee also reminded the people that voting for the next President and Congress is already underway in much of the country. He appealed to his former Republican colleagues to be mindful of what the people say at the polls leading up to November 3, 2020. Among Mr. Biden's comments were:

"The Senate has to stand strong for our democracy. They must not act on this nomination until the American people finish the process they’re already begun, of selecting their president and their Congress. And I’ve said before, if the people choose Donald Trump, then the Senate should give his nominee a hearing and a vote. If the people do not choose Trump and choose me, President Trump’s nomination should be withdrawn. I should nominate… chosen by a president who’s just been elected by the people… to get a fair hearing, which would not even occur until early February… a confirmation vote."

"I urge the American people to keep voting and to let your current senators know that you want to be heard before a vote on confirmation of a new justice. And I urge every senator to take a step back from the brink, take off the blinders on politics for just one critical moment, and stand up for the Constitution you swore to uphold. This is a time to de-escalate, to put an end to the shattering of precedents that has thrown our nation into chaos under this president."

"Just because you have the power to do something doesn’t absolve you of your responsibility to do right by the American people. Uphold your Constitutional duty. Summon your conscience. Stand up for the people. Stand up for our cherished system of checks and balances. Americans are watching. Americans are voting. We must listen to them now. We must allow them to exercise this sacred power. So please listen..."

The threat the Supreme Court Nominee shows towards the fate of the Affordable Care Act for millions of people, many with preexisting health conditions, in the middle of a Pandemic.

Mr. Biden spent a large portion of his remarks, telling the American People that the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett, with her warped originalist, textualist judicial philosophy, likely means the end of the Affordable Care Act and its provisions that allow people to purchase health insurance on the Obamacare Marketplace and its protections of coverage for individuals with preexisting conditions.

The 2020 Democratic Presidential Nominee commented:

"All that does matter is that they (Trump and the Republicans) see an opportunity to overturn the Affordable Care Act on their way out the door. And as I speak, we are still in the midst of the worst global health crisis in a century, a crisis that has already taken over 200,000 lives, between 750 and 1,000 lives a day and counting. And yet, the Trump administration is asking the Supreme Court right now, as I speak, to eliminate the entire Affordable Care Act. The administration filed a brief in the Supreme Court that concludes, and I quote, “The entire ACA, thus, must fall. The entire ACA, thus, must fall.”

"President Trump can claim all he wants that he’s going to protect people with pre-existing conditions. But the fact is he’s already fighting to take those protections away as we speak. If he has his way, more than 100 million people with pre-existing conditions like asthma, diabetes, and cancer could once again be denied coverage. Complications from COVID-19 like lung scarring and heart damage could become the next flood of pre-existing conditions used as an excuse to deny coverage to millions of people. Women could once again be charged higher premiums just because they are women. Pregnancy becoming a pre-existing condition, again. Seniors would see their prescription drug prices go up and the funding for Medicare go down."

"And then, Saturday, President Trump would nominate Judge Amy Coney Barrett and, on Sunday, layout clearly what his objective is: to terminate Obamacare. The judge has a written track record, a written track record of disagreeing adamantly with the Supreme Court’s decisions on two occasions upholding the ACA. In fact, not as a judge, but prior to going on the bench, she publicly criticized Chief Justice Roberts’ opinion upholding the law eight years ago."

The former Vice President summed up what else would happen if Coney Barrett went on the Supreme Court, remarking:

"The American people understand the urgency of this moment. They’re already voting in droves because they know their healthcare hangs in the balance. They understand that, if Donald Trump gets his way, they could lose their right to vote, their right to clean air and water, their right to equal pay for equal work. Workers could lose their collective bargaining rights. Dreamers could be thrown out of the only country they’ve ever known. And women could lose the bedrock rights enshrined in Roe v. Wade for 50 years. People are voting right now because they know the very soul of this country is at stake and because they know that the decisions of the Supreme Court affect their everyday lives."


Senator and 2020 Democratic Vice Presidential Nominee Kamala Harris also offered her assessment of the Coney Barrett Nomination, issuing a statement that read:

“From day one, President Trump made clear that he had a litmus test for Supreme Court Justices – destroy the Affordable Care Act’s protections for people with preexisting conditions and overturn our right to make our own health care decisions."

“President Trump, Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans will stop at nothing to destroy the Affordable Care Act’s protections for 130 million Americans with preexisting health conditions. The devastating coronavirus pandemic has already killed more than 202,000 Americans and sickened millions more, yet President Trump is fighting in the Supreme Court right now to strike down the only law guaranteeing Americans can access the health care they need. Republicans are desperate to get Judge Barrett confirmed before the Supreme Court takes up this case in November and millions of Americans will suffer for their power play."

“Just yesterday, I paid my respects to the legendary Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who devoted her life to fighting for Equal Justice Under Law and a more fair and just world. Her passing is devastating, and it would be a travesty to replace her with a justice who is being selected to undo her legacy and erase everything she did for our country."

“I have been proud to represent the people throughout my entire career. With the next Supreme Court Justice set to determine the fate of protections for those with preexisting health conditions, and reproductive health options, I will continue to fight on behalf of the people and strongly oppose the president’s nomination.”

Is Judge Amy Coney Barrett qualified to sit on the United States Supreme Court?


Does that mean she belongs on the United States Supreme Court in 2020 and for the next 30 to 40 years?


Senator Harris and Vice President Biden are right to point out that the:

  • Republicans have engaged in a ruthless power grab to circumvent the will of the American People a little more than a month before the elections to steal a second Supreme Court seat.
  • Coney Barrett's judicial philosophy is the complete anthesis to the progressive icon she would be succeeding and the American People would have reason to fear for their health care, reproductive, safety, worker, civil, and equal rights should she make it to the Supreme Court.

Protest and fight this Nomination with all the legal means available. Democratic Senators need to continually remind the people what a Coney Barrett Nomination means for their futures. If Judge Coney Barrett is confirmed to the court in late October, make the Republican Senators and Donald Trump pay at the polls on November 3, 2020.

Editorial Cartoons from Blog for Arizona


Saturday, September 26, 2020

While Senate Republicans attempt to Ram through a Supreme Court Nominee, House Democrats work on COVID Relief for the People

Senate Republicans and their Trump Zone-Fox Island Allies in the White House are showing they have the right priorities for the American People.

First, they waited until the last moment in July to conduct negotiations with the Democrats on the latest COVID 19 relief bill.

Democrats in the House passed the Coronavirus Relief Heroes Act in May.

Then they could not agree among themselves on how much the Coronavirus aid measure should cost.

Then the White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows became involved and negotiations fell apart.

Mr. Trump signed Executive Orders that proved to be either too short term, ineffective, or not worth the paper it was written on (kind of like his recent order on Pre Existing Conditions.)

Senate Republicans finally unveiled their own ideas on COVID 19 relief but it catered too much to the frugal fringe right.

It went nowhere.

Senate Republicans and their Trump Zone-Fox Island allies in the White House, in a stunning demonstration of hypocrisy and a blatant power grab, have not taken the same timid approach with proceeding with the confirmation process for the successor to Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court.

Make no mistake, this move to put the conservative anthesis to Ginsburg (Amy Coney Barrett, reportedly a brilliant jurist but too far to the right in legal philosophy) will hurt the American People given the prospects for rulings on:

  • Health Care like the pending hearing on the Affordable Care Act.
  • Women's Rights, especially the right to choose.
  • Environmental Regulation
  • Voter Rights
  • Worker Rights

Putting her on the court will probably set social progress and justice back generations.

Meanwhile, while Senate Republicans attempt to Ram through their ultra-right Back to the Past Supreme Court Nominee, House Democrats, and some Republicans, have been crafting another legislative proposal toward COVID Relief for the People.

House Democrats and their allies in the Senate have the right priorities for the American People.

The Problem Solvers Caucus Proposal attempts to bring both sides Together.

About two weeks ago, a group of centrist Democrats and Republicans (50 in all) including Arizona's Congressional District One Representative Tom O'Halleran, composed a COVID 19 Relief plan.

There is a lot in its features to recommend it. The plan includes:

  • "Testing & Healthcare ($100B)
  • Direct Assistance to Individuals & Families ($316B)
  • Unemployment Assistance ($120B)
  • Small Business & Non-profit Support ($290B)
  • School & Child Care ($145B)
  • State & Local Aid ($500.3B)
  • Election Support ($400M)
  • Broadband, Agriculture, USPS, & Census ($52B)
  • Worker & Liability Protections
  • Automatic Boosters & Reducers"

It is also refreshing and welcoming to know that at least bipartisan good government legislation is possible.

Suzanne Hug, running for one of the Arizona State House seats in Legislative District 25, commented on the bipartisan measure:

"I support the Problem Solvers Caucus in its work to pass a bill to help Americans. The need for state funding and direct cash payments is critical. Every day without a bill is a disservice to Arizonans."

Delina DiSanto, the Democratic Nominee for Arizona Congressional District Four wrote:

"The Problem Solvers Caucus tries to find bipartisan solutions and is trying hard to push forward a bill for much-needed COVID19 relief for struggling citizens, small businesses, and local government, as they are listening to their constituents. But the rest of the Republicans in the House are not listening to their constituents. If they are, then they have sold their soul to Trump, lobbyists, and large corporations. There is no compromise. And Mitch McConnell has his own agenda, he's not working for Americans."

Moving Forward

Both leading Democrats and Republicans were initially lukewarm towards the Problem Solvers Proposal.

Pelosi wanted a more expensive bill that encompassed more needed areas (like combatting Food Insecurity which she did some funding for in this week’s Budget Continuing Resolution.)

McConnell is more preoccupied with stacking the courts instead of caring about the American People.

The attitude changed on September 24, 2020, when Speaker Nancy Pelosi, because of both the stagnant economy and the concern for Moderate Democrats in swing districts, announced her pursuit of a new Coronavirus Relief bill that costs around $2.4 trillion.

She has been in contact with Secretary of the Treasury Steve Mnuchin.

The bill is being written and may be voted on next week.

Centrist Democrats are currently in disagreement on whether the bill should be passed along a strict party-line vote or support from both parties.

Democrats should not fight among themselves on COVID 19 relief legislation.

People are still out of work because of the pandemic.

Some of the people that have returned to work have done so at either reduced hours, wages, or both.

There are people waiting in car lines for hours to get food.

Small businesses need assistance.

The airline industry needs help.

States and cities need more aid.

So will schools and the health care sector as they need more resources to combat the spread of the Coronavirus.

Democrats should come together and pass a bill that meets the needs of the American People.

If it the Problem Solvers Caucus Bill, great.

If it is the new one that Nancy Pelosi has asked to be written by next week, wonderful.

Either way, there is going to be a need for more relief with whoever is President on January 20, 2021.

Remember it is most Republicans putting their fringe plutocratic conservative needs ahead of the American People.

It is the Democrats fighting for the people and the country while the other side hurts them.

Democrats in the House should not lose sight of that and stop the bickering.


Shields and Brooks from 9/25/20


Friday, September 25, 2020

Classless Acts: Moscow Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy snub Invites to Capitol Hill Ceremony Honoring Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Enemy of the People and Political Prince of Darkness Moscow Mitch McConnell and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy are real classless acts.

Despite getting invites by Speaker Nancy Pelosi to attend the Capitol Hill events honoring the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg while she lay in state, both decided not to attend.

That is an extremely ungracious, partisan, small, stupid, and mean thing to do.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg is the first Jewish woman to honored with lying in state at the Nations Capitol.

She served the nation with distinction and was a credit to the Supreme Court, the legal sphere, and the advancement of women and civil rights.

The Republican leaders of Congress should have shown respect for her contributions to American History and Culture and showed up.

Even Donald Trump showed up, to the chorus of "Vote Him Out" to pay his respects.

McConnell and McCarthy, showing they are more scum and classless than Donald Trump (did not think that was possible,) further demonstrate how much the Republican Party had deteriorated into a fringe cult and how better the nation would be with the House and Senate in Democratic hands.

It also shows that the great majority of the American People are right when they say they want the Ginsburg seat filled after the results of the next election are clear and by the next President.

Election Day is in 39 days.

Watch Cindy McCain discuss with Joe Biden why She is Endorsing Him for President

 The widow of the late Senator and 2008 Republican Presidential Nominee John McCain recorded a one minute spot with 2020 Democratic Presidential Nominee Joe Biden, explaining why she is endorsing him for President over Donald Trump on November 3, 2020.

The late Senators wife, with a framed sign from the McCain 2008 campaign in the background, said:

  • She "was deeply honored to endorse" Biden.
  • "I believe what I'm doing is the right thing."
  • "In this Administration (Trump's,) there is no character or integrity or values. That's why you're so important because you represent all of those things."
  • "What this country needs right now. Completely. Empathy and Compassion. That is a lot a lot of times that's the only thing we really need on a day that's really bad and your empathy and compassion for those less fortunate have meant the world to me and I know too many people."

The former Vice President and Mrs. McCain then discussed their family's multi-decade friendship.

Mr. Biden graciously thanked her for the endorsement saying "I love you."

Dina, a Phoenix Salon Owner, feels Joe Biden is the best Option for Small Businesses like Hers

 In a Biden/Harris Campaign ad called "Left Behind," Dina, a Salon Owner from Phoenix chastizes Donald Trump for not caring about her and expressing the belief that Joe Biden would be better for her, Arizona, and the Nation.


In the ad, Dina relays:

"It's so frustrating that big corporations got millions in PPP before small businesses like ours. The President we have is not caring about the little people but that's how Donald Trump is. He's all about himself. He's never walked in my shoes...We have to do what we can to stay here as long as we can. We need Joe Biden. We got to have small businesses like ours to get through this crisis and I trust Joe Biden to do that for us."

Election Day is in 39 days.

Vote for the Candidate that will best help the little people.

Want a clue on who that is?

It is not the 2016 Popular Vote Loser, KKK Endorsed Candidate, Individual One, Liar in Chief, Mad King, and President of Betrayal.

Editorial Cartoons of the Week


Editorial Poster